Message to prospective students

Thanks for your interest in working with me and my research group. Prospective students from all backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to come join my team. Gender diverse persons, LGBTQ2S+ persons, women, persons with disabilities, racialized persons and all persons with backgrounds not typically represented in the academy are especially encouraged to come join my team.

I am interested in how policies and structural factors impact migration, migrant wellbeing, population health outcomes, health equity, health disparities and environment and health. I welcome students with interests in these areas and I am open to discussing other research areas that may be connected.

I supervise students in our graduate geography and planning programs at the masters and PhD levels. Undergraduate students with interests in pursuing honours thesis projects in geography or interested in developing research skills through UTM’s Research Opportunity Program (ROP) are also welcome to work with my research group.

Picture source:

Information on our graduate geography program

Plan for information on our graduate planning program

Information on Research Opportunity Program (ROP)

Information on work-study opportunities