For this particular episode we focus on: “Although low- and middle-income countries like Ghana, Kenya and Malawi are urbanizing at a rapid pace, why is the spread of non-communicable and infectious diseases still so prevalent?” For this we turn to Professor Vincent Kuuire from UTM’s Department of Geography, along with some other insights related to his research.
Over the course of the interview we cover Vincent’s work, which includes a broad range of considerations such as social inequities associated with access to healthcare and immigrant integration dynamics with regards to the healthcare system in Canada, as well as healthcare for older populations and maternal health, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vincent explains the “double burden” of disease and the “pro-poor” policies that exist in insurance schemes. Vincent also emphasizes the importance of global-health research and collaboration in this area for times, as we have seen recently, during a virus outbreak.
A full transcript of the interview is available at