Peer-Reviewed Articles & Book Chapters
- Time matters: a survival analysis of timing to seasonal food insecurity in semi-arid Ghana. Regional Environmental Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10113-022-01891-6
- Public health response to COVID-19 pandemic and drivers of mistrust in Ghana. African Geographical Review, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2021.2007411
- Examining the relationship between occupational physical activity and hypertension status: Evidence from the Ghana WHO study on global ageing and adult health. Annals of Work Exposure and Health Geographical Review of Public Health, 65 (9), 1050 – 1060
- Immigrants serving in local government: a systematic review and meta-analysis of factors affecting candidacy and election. Urban Affairs Review, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2021.2007411
- Understanding unmet healthcare needs among older Ghanaians: A gendered perspective. Ageing and Society, 41(8), 1748 – 1769
- Social Frailty and Depression Among Older Adults in Ghana: Insights from the WHO SAGE Surveys. Research on Aging, DOI: 10.1177/0164027520946447.
- Place and health. In: Kobayashi, A. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. vol. 10, Elsevier.
- To move or not to move? Community reaction to strip mining in Upper West Region of Ghana. Society and Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1657995
- Agricultural mechanisation, environmental degradation and gendered livelihood implications in northern in Ghana. Land Degradation & Development, DOI:10.1002/ldr.3490.
- Health insurance enrolment in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Does food security matter? The International journal of health planning and management.
- Childhood Adversity and Psychosocial Health Outcomes in Later Life Among Immigrants in Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, DOI: 10.1007/s10903-019-00884-8
- Modern or traditional health care? Understanding the role of insurance in health seeking behaviours among older Ghanaians. Primary Health Care Research and Development. DOI: 10.1017/S1463423619000197
- Examining the connection between residential histories and obesity among Ghanaians: evidence from a national survey. Journal of Public Health, DOI: 10.1007/s10389-018-0983-8
- Does place matter? A multilevel analysis of victimization and sense of safety among seniors in Canada. Health and Place, 53, 17 – 25.
- Bullying victimization as a predictor of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among and senior high school students in Ghana: Results from the 2012 Ghana Global School-Based Health Survey. Journal of School Violence, DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2018.1486200.
- Predictors of Basic Self-care and Intermediate Self-care Functional Disabilities among Older Adults in Ghana. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 77, 81-88.
- Residential remittance and food security in the Upper West Region of Ghana. International Migration, 55(4), 18-34.
- Timing and utilisation of antenatal care services in Nigeria and Malawi. Global Public Health, 12(6), 728-743.
- Utilisation of Skilled Birth Attendants in Nigeria and Malawi. Global Public Health, 12(6), 711-727.
- Community health impacts of surface mining in the Upper West Region of Ghana: The roles of mining odours and dust. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 24(4), 789-813.
- Is the pro-poor premium exemption policy of Ghana’s NHIS reducing health coverage disparities among the elderly? Population Research and Policy Review, 36, 231-249.
- Examining risk factors for hypertension in Ghana: Evidence from the Global Ageing and Adult Survey. Global Health Promotion, 24(1), 14-26.
- Obligations and expectations: Perceived relationship between transnational housing investment and housing consumption decisions among Ghanaian immigrants in Canada. Housing, Theory and Society. 33(4), 445-468.
- Transnationalism-Integration Nexus: Examining the relationship between transnational housing investment and homeownership status in Canada. Geoforum, 75, 168-179.
- Exploring the linkage between exposure to mass media and HIV testing among married women and men in Ghana. AIDS care, 28(6), 684-688.
- Abandoning land in search of farms: challenges of subsistence migrant farming in Ghana. Agriculture and Human Values, 33(2), 475-488.
- Non-communicable diseases in Ghana: Does the theory of social gradient in health hold? Health Education and Behaviour, 43(1) 25S-36S.
- Health seeking behaviour during times of illness — a study among adults in a resource poor setting in Ghana. Journal of Public Health, 38(4), e545 – e553.
- Impact of Remittance Behaviour on Immigrant Housing Ownership Trajectories: An Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants in Canada from 2001-2005. Social Indicators Research, 127(3), 1135-1156.
- Validity of self-report data in hypertension research; Findings from the study on Global Ageing and Adult Health. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 17(12), 977-984.
- Conundrum of sexual decision-making and safer sex behaviour among married women in Zambia. Journal of Sex Research, 52(8), 868-877.
- Does previous experience of floods stimulate the adoption of coping strategies? Evidence from Cross-sectional surveys from Nigeria and Tanzania. Environments, 2(4), 565-585.
- Does the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition Risk Imposing Biotechnology on Smallholder Farmers in Africa? Global Bioethics, 26(1), 1-13.
- Assessing the bio-psychosocial correlates of flood impacts along the coastal areas of Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(3) 445-463.
- Determinants of Empowerment of Women in the Context of Millennium Development Goal 3: A Case Study of Married Women in Ghana. Social Indicators Research, 115 (1), 137-158.
- Negotiation for safer sex among married women in Cambodia: the role of women’s autonomy. Journal of Biosocial Science, 46(1) 90-106.
- Personal and Socio-environmental Factors Associated with Residents Self-Reported Experience of Climate Change in Coastal Communities in Nigeria. Climate 3(1), 16-41.
- National health insurance scheme enrolment and antenatal care among women in Ghana: is there any relationship? Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19(1), 98 —106.
- Abandoning farms in search of food: Food remittance and household food security in Ghana. African Geographical Review, 32 (2), 125-139.